Towards Building a Civilian Lethality Index

Faculty Sponsor: Maryam Gooyabadi

Live Poster Session: Zoom Link

Cheyenne McLaskey

Cheyenne McLaskey(’26) is a rising sophomore from Waterboro, Maine. They’re a US Army Veteran and a member of Wesleyan Posse 9. Cheyenne has been taking advantage of attending a liberal arts university, studying everything from philosophy to quantitative analysis. Outside of the classroom they’re involved in theater and comedy, and like to crochet and listen to podcasts.


The current state of firearms research is lacking in its ability to quantitatively compare civilian firearms. This research used the Theoretical Lethality Index (TLI) developed by Trevor Dupuy in 1980. The TLI estimates the lethality of military weapons based on muzzle velocity, caliber, accuracy, reliability, and sustained rate of fire. This study applied the TLI method to firearms available to civilians (n = 111) and manufactured between 1720 and 2020 to explore the relationship between lethality, type of firearm, and time. Future research will involve refining the type classifications to be more narrow, expanding the sample size, and connecting specific weapons to incidents of gun violence to develop a Practical Lethality Index.
