Faculty Sponsor: Jesse W. Torgerson
Using a narrative-focused approach in the study of chronicles and the unit of the ‘event’ we attempt to analyse chronicle entries from the Annals of Fulda–a ninth-century Carolingian chronicle– and determine what events from different manuscripts constitute the same happening. We define the event as a unit that can span from a few words to paragraphs, with one central theme (divided up in categories defined by us under ‘event types’ such as–campaign, diplomacy etc.), consistent characters and setting. Using events allows us to follow the logic of the text more closely. The purpose of this project is to determine a methodology for parsing through events to determine which events might be the same, even if written down differently. By pointing out their similarities we are able to discern their differences as well and start asking questions about authorship and the context in which different manuscripts emerged. The same methodology is to be applied to events that pertain to different but overlapping chronicles in the future.