Faculty Sponsor: Professor Michael Perez
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze public perceptions of the supposed benefits and disadvantages of Latine immigration as well as broader arguments for immigration. Previous research has highlighted a myriad of reasons as to why some individuals may be anti-immigration (i.e., racist and xenophobic ideologies or attitudes, perceived economic and symbolic threats); however, little research has addressed what some individuals may believe are social or economic positives to Latine immigration. Although some may espouse seemingly positive attitudes towards Latine immigration these attitudes may be rooted in problematic ideologies such as neoliberal ideologies (i.e., immigration is beneficial because it provides a cheap labor force or immigrants as commodities). The present research experimentally investigates whether participants hold more positive attitudes towards immigrants when they are benefitting the economy. No differences were found when analyzing between participant responses when given the experimental conditions of Canadian or Mexican immigrants taking blue collar jobs or white collar jobs.