Faculty Sponsor: Andrea Negrete
Live Poster Session: Zoom Link
Abstract :Insufficient effort responding (IER) from unmotivated participants can threaten the quality of the research. The purpose of the current research is to prepare the survey dataset for future analysis. The main focuses are to investigate: 1) methods of determining IER. 2) the relationship between IER and demographic information. 3) external validity of the study. Repones time distribution and attention check question (ACQ) are combined to detect participants with poor quality data. Results from statistical tests indicate a higher frequency for adolescents from particular ethnic-racial backgrounds and first-generation immigrant youth to provide IER. We do not see any problem with the generalizability of our future analysis on youth socialization and identity, based on the distribution maps.
Acknowledgements: I would like to thank Professor Andrea Negrete from the Psychology department, Professor Gooyabadi, Professor Nazzaro, Professor Kabacoff from the Qualitative Analysis Center for their kind help.