Statistical Description of Electromagnetic Wavefronts for Extreme Near-field Micromanipulations

Faculty Sponsor: Tsampikos Kottos

Live Poster Session: Zoom Link

Picture of the Author
Robert Calvo ('24)

Robert will be entering his senior year at Wesleyan where he will be finishing his double major in Physics and Mathematics. Born and raised in Rockville, Maryland, Robert graduated from Gonzaga College High School in Washington D.C. His main interest outside of physics is music, you can often find him playing the bass or attending concerts. After graduating, Robert intends to pursue graduate education in high-energy physics.


We design a wavefront shaping protocol which maximizes the electromagnetic forces acting at a specific location in an arbitrary complex scattering medium. Our approach utilizes appropriate physical operators, that rely on the measured scattering matrix, whose eigenvectors can be used for the design of wavefronts in the far field with optimal properties (e.g. extreme force, pressure, etc.) in the near field of a target. A statistical description of these optimal waveforms is performed using a universal coupled mode theory formalism whose results are tested against an actual complex system consisting of a complex network of microwave graphs with an embedded localized target.
